Ex Nihilo Speech and Debate: Welcome!

Welcome new and returning families!

We had a terrific opening night and are thankful for the enthusiasm of students and parents alike.  These families joining together to learn and share was an encouragement and a great start for the year ahead. Thank you to all who participated, and a special thanks to our 5 seniors. They willingly took the floor for their first “impromptu” of the season when we asked to hear about their Stoa experiences going into their final stretch of competition. 

Our kickoff handout (below) contains helpful info regarding expectations and schedule for the year. We anticipate additional families joining us for the first time this Monday, so be on the lookout for newcomers to welcome. We’ll return to our regular meeting schedule: new families will follow our intro-to-speech/debate novice track, juniors will start Beginning Public Speaking, and returning students will join with coaches for speech prep. 

Watch for an invitation to our “exnihilo-club.slack.com” account where we maintain detailed club and team communicationWe look forward to working together!

Questions? email: info@nihilo.club

Ex Nihilo Speech and Debate: Welcome!